Infectious diseases can have a significant impact on human health and society and are responsible for millions of deaths globally every year. In addition to the already existing issues with infectious diseases, new challenges are emerging. Climate change, a growing interface between humans and animals, habitat destruction and the interconnectivity of the modern world will likely lead to an increased frequency of outbreaks and pandemics with new pathogens.

Our research areas include a wide variety of aspects important for infectious diseases and pandemic preparedness. One important aspect is epidemiology, as well as vaccine effectiveness studies and pathogen surveillance – both locally as well as internationally. Another important aspect that goes hand in hand with epidemiology and pathogen surveillance is the development of diagnostics. Here we focus on the establishment and implementation of laboratory developed tests but not on routine diagnostics…

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Training & Career
We are committed to train the next generation of basic and translational infectious disease researchers.
We believe, young people full of energy and creative ideas can solve problems that we will face in the future. Our Institute will offer training opportunities at many levels, starting from high school student internships to master students, PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and young faculty. A specific seminar series focused on trainees is currently in preparation, we are planning to install a PhD program specifically for infection biology and a mentoring system for trainees and young faculty will be implemented as well.