Training & Career


We are committed to train the next generation of basic and translational infectious disease researchers.
We believe, young people full of energy and creative ideas can solve problems that we will face in the future. Our Institute will offer training opportunities at many levels, starting from high school student internships to master students, PhD students, postdoctoral fellows and young faculty. A specific seminar series focused on trainees is currently in preparation, we are planning to install a PhD program specifically for infection biology and a mentoring system for trainees and young faculty will be implemented as well. 

Open Positions – Coming soon

Please watch out for a call for applications for young group leaders in mid-2025.

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Diversity Equity Inclusion Belonging

We are committed to create and maintain an environment that provides optimal support for professional and personal growth independent of gender, sexual orientation, religion, nationality, ethnicity and social background. We believe that diversity is an important factor in research and allows to address problems from many different angles, which may lead to solutions that would not have been conceived 
by a non-diverse team. We are also committed to optimally support women as well as individuals with care responsibilities. To allow participation in all activities, independent from native languages, the official language of the Semmelweis Institute will be English.